All about Outlook Calendars
Meeting Room Schedule allows seamless integration with your outlook calendar. There are multiple options available to connect to your outlook calendar. However, for knowing which method to use, you need to understand the Outlook that you are using now. Watch this video showing the integration with your Outlook calendar.
Know your Outlook :
If you do not have an outlook account yet and want to connect the calendar to Meeting Room Schedule display, the first steps is to decide which outlook is best for you. Read the article How to decide whether to use Outlook or Outlook Web App to know more.
Once you have your Outlook account, there are various options to add and synchronize data in you calendar. A good starting point would be to familiarize yourself with the Outlook Calendar. Read here Using the calendar in Outlook on the web and Outlook.com.
Share Outlook Calendar URL:
If you choose to go with an Outlook.com account, you can display your calendar in Meeting Room Schedule app by publishing you calendar URL and adding the URL to the app via Settings > Connection settings > Server Address. You can find here the steps on how to publish OWA calendar. However, if you have Outlook for Windows, it can be easily synchronized with Outlook.com account and you can follow the same steps above to display the calendar data in Schedule Display app.
Adding a calendar URL allows you to incorporate all the latest changes in our calendar to the Schedule Display. Extra synchronization steps are not needed as any changes in you calendar is automatically updated in the app.
Share Calendar :
Nevertheless, the app also allows you to display static calendars which are fixed and not prone to updates. It can be used for an event booking schedule or conference schedule projected on a main screen. All ics based calendar applications allows downloading or exporting the calendar in a .ics file format. Check out how to export Microsoft Outlook Calendar.
ICS calendar file can be uploaded to the android display device and then linked to the display using the option Settings > Calendar Settings > Local Address.
Even though it is easy to upload a local file, Schedule display gives you another option to link your static ICS calendar. If you have the file in a file system like Dropbox, you can get a share URL and link to the app using the option Settings > Calendar Settings > Server Address.
Synchronize your calendar:
Now a days there are numerous available mail clients and email service providers. It is common to have more that one type of email account for work, for personal needs and other social requirements. Many calendar synchronization options are in the market. We have tested using CalDavsnchronizer to merge outlook, google calendar and other email accounts to the outlook account.
Outlook CalDav Synchronizer is a free Outlook Plugin, which synchronizes events, tasks and contacts between Outlook and Google, SOGo, Horde or any other CalDAV or CardDAV server. Supported Outlook versions are 2016, 2013, 2010 and 2007.
The ICS url of this merged account can be linked to Meeting Romm Schedule for seamless calendar integration.
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