Efficiency and Accessibility: Displaying Google Appointment Scheduler on Digital Signage

When the Time is Tight and the Hands are Full… Check the Schedule at a Glance Introduction: Efficient appointment scheduling has become essential for businesses across various industries. The Google Appointment Scheduler provides a solution for managing appointments. With the ability to embed on a website, Google Appointment Scheduler offers a convenient and customizable platform … Read more
Google work profile calendar connection - overview

Google Work Profile – Google Calendar Meeting Room Connection

Some customers choose to utilize work profiles within their Google Workspace environment. This creates separation between personal apps and those who are provided by the administrator. The user has two app spaces to switch between. This looked like an enterprise setup on first sight but we came across small companies who do this as well. Administrators … Read more

Situations you wished you had a Meeting Room Schedule Display from us.

Digital door signs for meeting rooms are often perceived as luxury room amenities. The benefits and associated savings are intangible to many companies. Hence this blog post – we want to illustrate the added value of digital displays in front of meeting rooms with everyday examples. Situation 1: Colleagues are looking for a room together …

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Game Changer Hot Desking

It’s a cultural change in the office. Moving away from permanently assigned desks towards a dynamic, self-serviced seating organization - a Smart Office. Apparently the home office experience companies are having through the pandemic and the forthcoming normalization process seem to push this change. If you’re here to look for software solution, jump here. If … Read more

Schedule Display – Hot Desking Solutions for Desk Sharing

All shared desks/workstations are created in Microsoft 365 (formerly known as 0365)/Exchange/Google Workspace and have an automated calendar–like meeting rooms. This is the base for our solution, giving multiple choices. On site the solution has 2 elements: A)   Visual Orientation and Overview (on dedicated displays or smartphones) B)   Booking and Desk Occupancy (on each desk) … Read more

How to connect Meeting Room Schedule in a Federated Environment?

The basic Microsoft Authentication is deprecated after 13 Oct 2020 for Microsoft 365 (formerly known as 0365). The new MS OAuth v2 requires authenticating the app/user and using it as a delegate to get the access token for the resource. Read the basics for connecting to your Microsoft 365 (formerly known as 0365)/Exchange resource here. … Read more