Connect to Teamup calendar

If you are using Teamup calendars in your organization, you can get them displayed in Meeting Room Schedule display app. This can be done by integrating the team calendar with Google Calendar by subscribing to iCalendar feeds.
Please follow the below steps to integrate a Teamup calendar to Meeting Room Schedule.

  • Get the iCal feed link from Teamup Calendar
  • Subscribe to the iCal feed from Google Calendar
    • Open Google Calendar > Add a friend’s calendar > Add from URL
    • Paste the iCal feed URL in the text box
    • Click on Add CalendarNow the added calendar will be in the “Other Calendars” section.
  • Connect to Google calendar from Meeting Room Schedule
    • Open Meeting Room Schedule App
    • Goto Settings > Connection Settings > Google
    • Choose your Google calendar account. (if not added in the tablet, choose Add account option)
    • Select the subscribed calendar
    • Click on Save and Exit.
      Read detailed steps on connection settings in our quick set-up guide


Not seeing updates in your calendar?

Changes made in Teamup Calendar won’t be instantly updated to third-party applications such as Google Calendar when using the iCal feed. Google Calendar updates their external feeds approximately once per day.