Frequently asked questions

Most of your questions regarding Meeting Room Schedule Free is answered here. If your questions are not clarified, please feel free to contact our support team . Alternatively, you can also chat with our support team available online.

What is Meeting Room Schedule in a nutshell?

Meeting Room Schedule is a digital display solution using a dedicated android tablet for your schedule display. Use it for meeting rooms, other shared office resources or just for displaying any calendar.

How does Meeting Room Schedule work?

Meeting Room Schedule is an android app. Get your hardware (typically a tablet sized 7 inch or 10 inch), install the app on it and deploy the tablet in front of the meeting room after connecting the tablet with your resource calendar and that’s it! You can mount it on the wall outside the room or have it on the table inside. You can choose to operate it using a tablet mount or you can place it in a casing.

Based on which file type is Meeting Room Schedule working?

MS Exchange, 0365 and Google/GSuite are connected through APIs. For .ics formatted calendars connect to their calendar links. Alternative email and calendar platforms like Zimbra provide links that you can subscribe to.

Look up different applications which support iCalendar here.

Can I use Meeting Room Schedule for commercial purposes?

Yes, you can use Meeting Room Schedule for commercial purposes, just install it on your own or your customers’ premises. Resellers are welcome to contact us and ask for special conditions or whitelabeling.

Can I run multiple tablets with the same calendar ?

Yes, you can run the same calendar on multiple devices. Please activate Check-in Auto-Release only on one of the displays. Otherwise the meeting room will be auto-released unless check-in is done on all the tablets.

Which HW, SW and screen size would you recommend for deployment?

Please note that the Android versions 4.4 – 9 are supported. We recommend you to use 7inch or 10inch screen sized tablets for best fit. You can adjust the font size in order to create optimal view and number of meetings in the screen. Too small font sizes may make it harder to see the details but with too big font sizes details may not fit into the screen. We have performed most of our tests with Samsung SM-T235 Android 5.1.1, Samsung Galaxy tab SM-T50 Android 7, Asus fone pad 7 (KOOE) Android 6.0, Point of View(TAB-I847) Andoid 6 and Acer B1-733 Android 6.0. However we recommend to avoid the hardware middle buttons. If protection given in Kiosk Mode is important to you. Please consider mounting your tablet device in a casing if you have big concerns about misuse. Some use cases might require bigger screens. It’s possible to run big monitors using Android TV boxes.

Are you providing HW support? Can I get screen, tablet, and housing from you?

We are providing our suggestions for HW selection like screen size of 10inch and Android 6 or 7 for the best performance. However, we are not selling HW which means you are completely free to choose the hardware which suits your needs and budget. Please note that the Android versions 4.4 – 9 are supported.

Who needs a professional tablet with led integration?

Reasons to consider professional displays are given here. On the long run, you’ll save money. LEDs – especially side bars – shows the availability (red/green status) from the side. They do not need to walk long distances in order to face the display from the front. Long corridors can feel very long if you’re looking for a room to walk in.

How many events can Meeting Room Schedule show in parallel?

Meeting Room Schedule can show maximum 2 all-day events and 2 individual meetings in parallel. If you have more events in parallel then the rest of the events will not be displayed.

Which security mechanism does Meeting Room Schedule offer to protect my device from misuse and interventions?

Meeting Room Schedule offers you a Kiosk Mode for locking the screen in order to protect device from misuse or interventions from unauthorized people. To activate the Kiosk Mode, you need to define a password under Settings > Admin Settings. By this way you can ensure that only the authorized people who have the password can exit from the Kiosk Mode and change settings. You can also consider a housing around your screen in order to ensure that hardcoded Android power buttons and also the USB sockets are not accessible.

Can I define and display the meeting room names?

Yes, you can define a custom meeting room name from Settings > Admin Settings. If the custom name is not set, Meeting Room Schedule reads out meeting room name from the .ics file. This means the room name in outlook will be also displayed in the screen.

Are portrait and landscape modes supported?

Yes, both portrait and landscape modes are supported, however we recommend to use your tablet in landscape mode. Landscape appeals to more people, portrait gives more space for next meetings. In newer versions it’s possible to rotate the screen in “Style settings”. This needs a restart of the app.

How can I disable HW volume up/down and power buttons on my tablet?

Volume up/down buttons are already disabled with built in software functions as well as the short press on the power button. Long press on power button is can’t be disabled in Android devices and it will turn off your device. Please consider covering buttons or the tablet as a whole with a casing if a higher degree of protection is required.

How can I disable menu button on my tablet?

At the first press on the menu button after installation, a screen for assigning the default launcher will pop up. On this screen, you can choose Meeting Room Schedule as default launcher app and click on Always so that the menu button can be disabled.

Why does the location info on the upper left corner disappear?

At a single point of time if there are multiple events (meetings) in multiple locations then the upper right location info will disappear and location of each current meeting will be available under the event information. If there is only a single event (meeting) is occurring at a single point of time, then the upper left corner will be filled with current meeting location.  However, if you prefer displaying a custom meeting room name which does not change or disappear, you can set it through Settings > Admin Settings.

What happens if I forget my kiosk password?

Meeting Room Schedule has Reset Password function which you can get a new password to be sent to your registered email address. You can also change your password anytime under Admin Settings.

Although the meeting room has an all-day event in calendar, the app bottom bar is green. Why?

All-day events are not shown in red color in the bottom bar. We gave preference to calendars combining all-day events and regular events. The reservation status bar is triggered by regular events. If you do not wish this behavior, you can set auto-decline rules in your calendar to avoid this kind of collision. At the same time you can see the all-day event in the Current Event section.

How can I connect/sync Meeting Room Schedule to the calendar or .ics file of the meeting room?

You have six basic methods for synchronizing your Meeting Room Schedule with the calendar of meeting room:

    1. You can connect your Meeting Room Schedule to your Microsoft Exchange Server. See Settings > Calendar Connection > Exchange. There you need to provide EWS link of your Exchange Server (ending with …/ews/exchange.asmx). For Office 365 the EWS link is:
    2. Not supported anymore: You can copy the .ics file into the device and browse to the location of file in Meeting Room Schedule. See Settings > Calendar Connection > Local. Please note that this case is appropriate only if you use a static ics file which will not be continuously updated.
    3. Not supported anymore: You can deploy your .ics file into your Dropbox and sync it with Meeting Room Schedule. Every time you update your .ics file, new meeting information will also be updated in the app. In order to use this option,
    4. Not supported anymore: You can also use a network IP based link to your calendar file in any file server. You need to enter the link of the .ics file into Server Address under Connection Settings and if required you can fill the username and password.
    5. You can login to your Office 365 account, publish the calendar of your meeting room with full details and then copy and paste the ics link into the app under Settings > Calendar Connection > Server
    6. You can also connect to any Google calendar using the option Settings > Calendar Connection > Google

How do I exit the app?

Please tap on the screen, the toolbar will pop up at the top. When you tap on the three vertical dots at the top right corner, then in the menu you will see the “Exit” submenu. Please tap on Exit to close the application.
If you find the launcher behavior disturbing, you need to switch back to the standard launcher. You’ll be asked to switch back after restart of the app.

If you have set the Kiosk password then the toolbar will pop up 1. By double tap on the logo or 2. By long press on the logo.

How can I change the time/date format?

Meeting Room Schedule supports both 24hr and 12hr time format. The same time format configured in the tablet settings will be used in the Meeting Room Schedule app. The date formats supported are DD MMM and MMM DD and can be configured as per your preference from Settings > Admin settings.

How do I move from Google Play distribution (monthly subscription) to the FTP distribution (yearly subscription)?

Please follow the steps to shift the configurations to the FTP apk
1. Google play apk: Goto Settings > Help, and then press “Move config on this device”. After that close this app.
2. Download and install the apk from the provided FTP link.
3. FTP apk: Run the app and accept the Eula.
4. On the next screen a popup will appear saying “We detected a different distribution….”, press Yes and wait until the configurations downloaded.
5. Then goto Settings > License and press “Activate license”.
6. Connect the display to the calendar.

I did not get any registration code sent to my e-mail address, what do I need to do?

Try the following trouble shooting steps.

  1. Please check your spam box and ensure that and  are in the white list of your email settings.
  2. Try Resend Code option from Settings > Admin Settings.
  3. Please ensure that you have entered the correct email address. If the email address is incorrect, please re-install the app and register with the correct email address.
  4. Make sure you are connected to internet. If not, try the Resend Code option after connection is made available.
  5. Some networks won’t allow our emails to go through. Please try again after changing to another wi-fi network or to a mobile hotspot you can create from your smartphone.

I cannot access my exchange server link and your demo server isn't displayed either. What went wrong?

Tablet language needs to be set to English for older versions of the app. This has been resolved in the latest version. Please do an app update to resolve this issue.

My display stopped working after months. It's giving "MS Exchange connection lost..." error.

Though this can be any connectivity issue with MS Exchange or 0365, it’s most probable that the password that was created in Exchange got expired or changed. Please restart the app to eliminate other causes. If the error keeps coming, please ask your MS Exchange/ 0365 adminstrator about password changes or expiry. Good to know: it’s possible to set it to “never expires”.

Updating of events seems to be delayed sometimes. What's wrong?

You’ll come across this lag after an update to a newer version. Existing events are processed in time – only changes from the source calendar are going to be shown later. We’re continiously improving the product. You’re welcome to share your thoughts with

Known issues

  • Recurring overnight events are NOT supported in .ics type connections.
  • Some of the native tablet apps (e.g. side bar applications in Samsung tablets), native gesture recognition functions or some third party apps (e.g. Facebook Messenger App) may still appear on Kiosk mode. Admins are supposed to deactivate/deinstall such apps or functions.
  • Google Play Distribution only: If you are installing on multiple devices, please purchase licenses one after the other, like install app on device 1 – buy license on device 1 – install app on device 2 – buy license on device 2 and so on. If you have already installed the app on multiple devices, you need to re-install the app to buy further licenses.
  • When no wi-fi connection is available during app start-up, the app might crash. Please connect to wi-fi and try again.

Coming soon

  • Check other rooms’ availability from any display.
  • Quick booking feature to choose 15-30-45- or max. duration.
  • Day separator lines for next events.
  • Notification emails for released/auto-released bookings

How can I contact you if I have some feedback or for further questions?

You are always welcome to reach us at